Part 195: Zil Padon NPC Chatter 14 (final)
Welcome back!
We've just got one more pass through Zil Padon, now that the gateway to the Spirit Sanctuary has appeared.

: You have never been alone and you never WILL be alone! So march off, Justin! The world is behind you! Listen to the voices of the Spirits!

: So you can concentrate on your job!

: THIS is what I was looking for! It's all RIGHT HERE! What JOY! What BLISS! How WONDERFUL it is to see people working TOGETHER! And Justin, Justin! It's all thanks to YOU! It was YOU who inspired us! Just LOOK at Guido the Elder. You can REALLY count on him. See how he gets things DONE! I'll never forget how you ran around the city to help people that day the beast attacked.

: If he's careful, the Doctor says he can even go outside! And that Alqada that brought him has been visiting every day. Looks like they're best friends now. Everyone is working together to rebuild the city. Rafane, Alqada, everyone! Now my job is to supply plenty of useful medicines!

: So now I'm going to go every day and visit that Alqada guy! And I'm going to ask him all about Alqada things, and the places outside of Zil Padon! I'm a lot better, but the Doctor told me to be careful so I can't spend a lot of time outside. But when I'm talking to that Alqada guy the time goes by so fast!

: thought that it would be the Icarians who would protect us. But the Elder said that it's because a person is ordinary, that makes it possible for them to save the world!

: How mysterious this all is. I couldn't recover my powers to tell the future, no matter WHAT I did, but those lights... like when I can see into the future.... Have the Spirits given me my powers? My powers to foresee the future have come back, but now they don't need it. They stand on their own.

: It's a gift from the Spirits, and a gift your courage brought to us! All life is precious! You understood that more than anyone else! You gave me the courage. Now I can say it with pride! All life is precious!

: If you look down, all you see is dirt! Ha, ha, ha...!

: You're going to enter that gate, aren't you? Good luck, now!

: would be! Just as the myth said, the Spirits came down to Zil Padon. Not even the snow I saw in Laine was as beautiful as they were! Besides... snow is COLD!

: The Spirits have accepted you, so if you will it, and you fulfill your role, the Spirits are sure to grant your wish.

: We were all one in that instant. Zil Padon... maybe even the WORLD was at one with itself. Mark this day for Zil Padon! Not for its rebuilding, but for its REBIRTH! We're starting from scratch! You know? It's easier that way!

: So now the Spirits will always be watching over us, right?

: those lights... all my lost possessions pale in comparison. No amount of riches could EVER buy anything as beautiful as that. How wonderful they were. Now that I'm starting all over in my new life, I want to get something as wonderful as those lights.

: Please. Make it so that no mother EVER has to suffer what I have! Please! Take care of that BEAST! PLEASE!

: I see the Spirits with my OWN EYES! Ma che bella! As beautiful as teh eys of Mr. red haired adventurer boy and Mr. big shot Elder! It's like I WIN something it's so beautiful. Adventurer boy! Good luck, eh♥. So... so beautiful! I wanna see it again!

: But they have, now. They've accepted you! You are the only one. You're the only one who can avenge my girl. Do it for her... OK? The Spirits accepted you. So you're the only one one can avenge my girl.
... I wonder if she was that one Alqada that used to hang out near Olva?

: city. They made it look as beautiful, no, MORE beautiful than before. I'll never forget how it looked. Everyone smiled at one another. Those lights.... The city will try to be like that again. Nut no, it will ALWAYS try to be like that!

: The Spirits have appeared! Do you realize how amazing this is!? The Spirits have accepted us!

: friends from Laine AND Cafu? I'm impressed!

: Those lights came down around my little sister, and for a moment it looked like she had come back to life and she was smiling. Smiling as brightly as those lights themselves. And I'm going to smile like that too! Just as bright, no! Brighter! I'll smile even brighter! You'll see!

: Not even the Mogay could do that! Only YOU could do it! You can do more! We'll be waiting! You can DO it! We KNOW you can! Keep going! We'll be waiting!

It's been a while since I've run into a conversation that I felt the need to screenshot to prove that I wasn't just making shit up.
Anyway, time to wrap this up. We've got a few former party members to speak to.

: But... it IS kinda cute. ♥

: Justin boy, listen up! Y'all gotta be tough enough to HOLD a gal BACK from herself. Feena's waitin' on y'all. That gal just TRIES too hard! She probably don't SAY nothing but she wants y'all to just GRAB her! And from what I seen, Justin boy, you can do that for her.

: You'll be OK. Y'all got that sparkle in your eyes again!

: En Garde Sir!

: That's what I would normally say, but you have another job to do.

: Gadwin...?
GadwinSMug: Go! Rescue Feena... and return safely. So that I may challenge you then. GO, Justin! You have yet to meet your match! Prove once again your manhood!

: You leave us to our job, and you do your job. That's good, eh?

: If you no do good, and mess up, everything we do go up on smoke, right?

: Ha, ha! But that no happen! You never mess up before. We believe in you Justin!

: OK, we gotta lot to do, now. When you finish, you come back and see a beautiful new Zil Padon, OK?
Sue hasn't forgotten what the last thing she said to us was.

: But you know, Justin? You sure look SMARTER than when I saw you last.

: Yeah? I sure can't tell.

: Yep. You're definitely smarter.

: Hmm... maybe it's your face...?

: Well... whatEVER! Anyway, you don't need ME do you? So quit dawdling and go rescue Feena already!
I honestly couldn't think of a better way to finish off the NPC chatter than being lectured by Sue.
See you next time, where I show off some of disc 2's unused text!